Ad9361 lvds mode. AD9361 Data Path, LVDS Mode .

Ad9361 lvds mode 1R1T mode. 8V,2. Setup and hold times as well as other timing specifications are provided in the datasheet. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 8 V to 2. The interface timing is configured according to the data manual. Oct 30, 2019 · The AD9361 is a high performance, highly integrated radio frequency (RF) Agile Transceiverâ„¢ designed for use in 3G and 4G base station applications. isdualport Output 1 Value is 1 if SINGLE_PORT_p has a value of false and 0 if SINGLE_PORT_p has a value of true. You signed in with another tab or window. 5 V in LVDS Mode). 48V. Therefore, 12-bit samples to/from the AD9361 are sent across two 6 In LVDS-DDR mode that is 8 clock edges (4 full clock cycles) identified by a frame pattern of 8'b11110000. Apr 15, 2017 · Design Support AD9361/AD9363/AD9364. 8V-rail. Nov 18, 2024 · Q1: What is performance difference for VDD_INTERFACE 1. The data interface part uses LVDS and DDR mode. I'm using the AD9361 in LVDS mode. Now the configuration of ad9361 has been completed and is in FDD mode. Contribute to analogdevicesinc/hdl development by creating an account on GitHub. Aug 27, 2013 · In LVDS mode: - The maximum Data Rate is 122. kishore@stee. A1. then from the Figure 79 (Page 110): Thanks, what you said is right. They will not work in CMOS mode except for maybe very low speeds. They are to be clocked in the FPGA on the falling edge of the clock. DATA_CLK is a differential LVDS signal generated in the . I have configured the device DUAL PORT full duplex and LVDS mode and I am following the timing diagram as Mar 5, 2015 · Hi Tom, First, you are in the right track, the axi_ad9361_def_if. Consequently I need to get the device to operate in CMOS mode. Jun 22, 2016 · +LVDS FDD. rcc so No-OS knows which LVD-S/CMOS mode to use when initializing the AD9361 IC. What is performance AD9361 registers can be found in the AD9361 Register Map Reference Manual. Since I have my own data generate from FPGA, I have to modify the axi_ad9361. However, UG-570 also said (Page 108): The maximum DATA_CLK rate is increased to 245. DATA_CLK . Since my data structure is 12-bits I Q,I have seen that in axi_ad9361_dev_if. The LVDS power supply voltage range is 1. Figure 78. The interface is in fact quite simple, in LVDS mode samples require two active clock edges and in CMOS mode a single edge. The default configuration for the data bits is inverted. 22V at the 1. Right?. Datasheet AD9361 on Analog. I use SPI to control the AD9361 according to the script generated by the evaluation software. v components in the AD6391 core. On a scope the CMOS data received and emitted by the AD9361 look like the timing described in the UG Manual. Hi!I am using ZYNQ7020 and fmcomms2. Disassemble ferrit in CLC-filter voltage increase at AD9361 side (pin H12) up to 2. AD9361 and provided to the BBP as a master clock for the . DATA_CLK = 61. Unfortunately due to board layout constraints I am unable to use the device in this mode. The phase of any LVDS pair can be inverted from its default configuration by setting bits in these two registers (see Table 24 in the Manual). AD9361 Data Path, LVDS Mode . stengg. AD9361 Reference Manual UG-570 The following bits are not supported in LVDS mode: • Swap Ports—In LVDS mode, P0 is Tx and P1 is Rx. com on Dec 15, 2015 . 8V - 2. hdl to ad9361 config proxy. 6msps. 5V. The IP interface logic simply collects data on consecutive 8 edges and deframes using the FRAME signal and outputs the samples. RX_FRAME changes on the rising edge of DATA_CLK. However the AD9361 seems to not work properly when I send CMOS data on the Tx bus (P0[11:6]). v and axi_ad9361_dev_if. Dec 18, 2014 · I need to setup the AD9361 into CMOS mode and I am using the no-os software and AC701 HDL design as my base. The data path interface consists of the following signals. XGHz connected to our board. Setup and hold times of the receivers will determine the amount of mismatch allowed. Reload to refresh your session. Dec 15, 2015 · AD9361: when LVDS mode is used. According to UG-570 page 110, the I samples are clocked out of the AD9361 on the rising edge of DATA_CLK. Jun 30, 2014 · FMCOMMS[2,3,4] evaluation boards are designed for LVDS. • Single Port Mode —Both ports are enabled in LVDS mode. Type of signal 5MHz, 10MHz and 20MHz LTE signal. Set adi,lvds-invert1-control = 0xFF and adi,lvds-invert2-control = 0x0F to prevent data inversion. At Rx plot (after FFT [at frequency domain]) I can see that the RF DC OFFSET is very high. Sep 21, 2020 · Normally in the product that I’ve been working on, we use the AD9361 in 1R1T mode, and we collect the IQ samples over LVDS into our FPGA. com The system level reference designs that exist for the AD9361-Z7035 all use LVDS, to achieve the maximum data throughput, but can be configured in CMOS mode to better prototype a different hardware subsystem. 44 MSPS. AD9361 Reference Manual . A | Page 106 of 128 . 5 V Supply for Digital I/O Pins (1. Q&A lvds interface. Hi , From the below AD9361 reference manual (page 90 ), What is the meaning of only the Hello, I am working with the AD9361 in FDD state, LVDS mode at 3. v should be enough to interface the device. Nov 11, 2016 · In CMOS-Mode VDD_Interface (Pin H12) is powered from a SMPS based on ADP2164 via CLC-Filter. 76 MHz, - This clock and the 56 MHz maximum analog filter bandwidth limit RF channel signal bandwidth. •Only the data port (including clocking and otherassociated timing signals) is LVDS Device (AD9361) Interface Description. The IP supports both LVDS and CMOS Dual Port Full Duplex interfaces (configurable, see parameters section). While the register map is provided as a convince and informational for those who want to understand the low level operation of the part, it is not recommended LVDS receiver inputs have a 100ohm input termination option. specified LVDS/CMOS mode through ad9361 config. Because SINGLE_PORT_pis a parameter property, this is hardcoded at buildtime. But a new problem occurred, when I use ENABLE and TXNRX to control ad9361's ENSM with FDD independent mode, the tx output signal is quite strange. Having plain AD9361-chip we measure 2. Mar 14, 2016 · A)" Page 108 Table 50, when AD9361 is working in LVDS Mode, Dual Port Full Duplex and 1R1T Configuration, the Maximum Data Rate Combined I and Q Words (MSPS) is 61. 76 MHz in LVDS mode. HDL libraries and projects. You signed out in another tab or window. Rx data path. If you check the initial setup of the device, you can see that the fb_clk is set up with a delay on the device side. Rev. I can not find description about LVDS TDD. 2 V to 2. It avoids all the programmable flavors of the device interface mess. LVDS MODE DATA PATH SIGNALS . DATA_CLK is 80M and sample clk is 40M. I have only modified the axi_ad9361_dev_if component in the AD6391 core. In LVDS mode, the interface is operated in double-data rate (DDR) mode. And, vice versa for the Q samples. 2V,1. In this 1R1T mode, we run the IQ sample rate at 57. LVDS mode is better than CMOS, but it does require higher pin count. v,there exits 12-bits data as follows: HDL libraries and projects. The table below shows the data rates for each LVDS configuration Jan 21, 2015 · Hi ,everyone, I need to setup the AD9361 into LVDS mode and I am using the Noos software and ML605 HDL design as my base. Sep 10, 2014 · First let me say I have had no issues with using the FMCOMMS2 and ZC706 reference design when the AD9361 device is interfaced using LVDS. But this document is written as below,--When LVDS mode is used: •Data port signaling is differential LVDS, allowing up to12-inch PCB traces/connector interconnects between theAD9361 and the BBP. 88 Msps (Dual port full duplex), - The maximum DATA_CLK rate is 245. 44 MHz. 5V? 1. Sep 28, 2016 · I have configured the register 0x12 = 0x04 to enable the CMOS Mode and the Single Port Mode (I want to use the P0 port only). This configuration cannot be changed. spaxql vahr jopdzp hqqxcr yrmglnog klppk zyseeg vbnewp qkki nrvrim