Ex profundis. Warhammer miniatures, stories and art with a horror theme .

Ex profundis. Subscribe To Our Newsletter.

Ex profundis . Ex Profundis is a collection of miniatures, art and stories that explore the darker side of Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, and other games like Mordheim and Inquisimunda or Inq28. Feb 24, 2017 · This is a warband for AoS28, built with half a mind to playing Hinterlands, but without worrying too much about rules or points. 4,658 Followers, 1,052 Following, 138 Posts - Jake (@exprofundis) on Instagram: "The Dark Corners of Warhammer" Sep 25, 2015 · @Ex_Profundis May 6 I've started referring to Oath of Moment as either 'Oaf of the Moment' or 'Oaty Moments' and it actually helps a lot with making marines more likeable. The rules are actively developed and as AoS28 evolves we'll see community feedback and playtesting influence the new editions. Email. These prison etchings were called ‘capricci’ […] Mar 31, 2016 · The puppet master was a bit of a strange idea I had, mainly came about from playing with the pose of the model. Ex Profundis. Or perhaps Thee Undderhyvve (am I doing that right?). When I was considering a return to the hobby a couple of years ago there were a few artists whose miniatures inspired me, and chief among those was Julian Bayliss, and in particular his Chaos marauder warband – in fact one of my first purchases was a box of Chaos Marauder horsemen for their fantastic heads, although I squandered them on some quite goofy Goliaths. The human members of the gang are all quite converted -the crone took the longest probably, as she is made by fixing the top half of the corpse cart driver onto a flagellant’s legs, a conversion that might seem a bit pointless, but it does make her look quite adorably tiny and bent over, which might not be obvious in the photos. He is controlling Thor and Loki puppets made from bits of corpses, put together by the troll-kin. It is a celebration of […] Inquisimunda Battle Report. The most trusted and prized are the Guild Militants: elite body-guards augmented by the finest Akuhm tech artisans, and trained and specialized in one form of combat. Jan 13, 2016 · The idea with Profundis was to create a setting that would allow for a more Lovecraftian feel than standard 40k. A face, forever on the edge of his memory. _pushing bounderies and experimenting is at the core of great art and creativity . Ex Profundis is a collection of miniatures, art and fiction that explores the darker and stranger sides of the various Warhammer universes and games, particularly Warhammer 40k; Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar; Mordheim; Inquisimunda and Inq28. Original and beautiful story telling , alongside original and beautiful models . […] Hinterlands is a simple set of skirmish rules that uses Age of Sigmar as a base, and adds elements from Necromunda or Mordheim. In the heat of battle he could almost see her. You Feb 21, 2017 · Individual character, dark and dangerous – portraying the underbelly of the Nine Realms whilst all the heroic big battles goes on all around – the scope of AOS as opposed to Mordheim is the joy of this – it’s so much more expansive and you can draw influences from a much more wider field than just what’s in the codicii. This web site is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ex Profundis. So much creativity. You can’t. For me I’ve enjoyed the last years China Mieville, Joe Abercrombie constantly re-reading my Neil Gaiman novels. He knew it was a fragment of his previous life, a half-formed recollection and he knew that the harder he fought, the more blood he spilled, the closer he came to remembering. S U B S C R I B E. At first I thought they were Julian baylis models , ex profundis has developed a common visual language for fantasy in the way iron sleet has for 40k. Apr 11, 2017 · As a Stormcast of the Immortal Tribunal he had been taught to trust his judgement, to have faith in Sigmar and in himself, but at this moment Aierion was not so sure he was doing the right thing. Subscribe To Our Newsletter. 1,435 likes · 1 talking about this. Feb 21, 2017 · EX PROFUNDIS . Wow these warriors are nothing short of stunning. There are no other planets in the system, but it is home to billions of Imperial citizens who reside on five habitable moons: Rebis, Hyepasis, Repasis, […] Feb 9, 2017 · I get asked this a lot but the simple answer is: you don’t. Feb 7, 2017 · Inq28 explores the lesser known aspects of the Warhammer 40,000 universe and has been a huge success, inspiring Blanchitsu articles, numerous blogs and countless incredible miniatures. Good to see its alive and well on ex profundis . Sep 30, 2014 · The two dominant concepts Catherine Keller examines in her study of creatio ex profundis, creation out of chaos, are the feminine tehomic language and refutation of divine omnipotence. Sep 3, 2015 · hey, yep i can totaly understand your point, most of the 60´s pinup stuff is also not mine, but as you said the whole concept behind the game and the quality of the miniatures/art are so dam good that i had to back it :). Profundis is an enormous gas giant in orbit around a dying star. Nov 21, 2016 · This model is created using a Forge World Cerastus Knight-Lancer as a base, but includes a multitude of other parts, such as the boat that was part of the base from the Merwyrm kit, and a real rat skull (although just a cast of a rat skull, I chickened out about using the real thing). Oct 18, 2015 · Cheers for sharing Jake :) my first true love was reading alas I don’t have enough hours these days it seems. My advice would be to concentrate on the things that make your idea different, those are the parts that will be the most interesting and will draw people in. I started this project before Age of Sigmar, and the story of the Aelves has changed slightly: the Nine Realms gives a lot more freedom to people like me who just really want to make up their own stuff, unencumbered by too much background or lore that needs to be Dec 5, 2015 · More inspiration: ye olde underhive. Although Tayschrex is of the Biologis he shares a lot of traits with Explorator magi as he prefers to travel (often alone apart from his servitors) to distant Xenos planets looking for rare mutations or genetic abnormalities that […] Mar 9, 2015 · EX PROFUNDIS . Giovanni Piranesi was an Italian artist famous for his etchings of Rome and of fictitious and atmospheric prisons. The amount of conversion and unique models tied together with that gruesome inkblack paintwork is impressive. You Copyright © 2025 · All Rights Reserved · Ex Profundis · Website by Jozga Design. Inq28 has become a term that describes not just a particular game but a whole approach to the hobby: an approach that puts creativity and imagination first. Mar 7, 2017 · Like most Navigator households, House Akuhm employs a wide variety of retainers, bodyguards, and hired mercenaries. I think John has a unique way of painting and I wouldn’t even know how to start, and anyway at best you’d end up with an imitation. Because If you mean, ‘how do you paint like John Blanche’ then I really have no idea. The otherworldly Navigators of the Splinter-House Merz-Itano - drawn to the mysteries of Profundis but pursuing their own inscrutable objectives - have crash landed on the moon of Rhysia in the Profundis system: a ruined forgeworld moon with grim secrets below its crust. Warhammer miniatures, stories and art with a horror theme. Inquisimunda Battle Report. 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