Submission to first decision meaning Significantly faster than PLOS ONE (2. Sep 22, 2024 · I am an author who submitted my manuscript to a math journal for the first time. Jul 7, 2021 · Further, the time to first decision refers to the time that the journal requires to respond with a decision. ) The editorial says “Because in this journal all reviews are rated from 0 (worst) to 100 (best), we plotted speed versus quality. Stage 3 Should the article submission pass the initial prescreening process, it will then be assigned to an experienced Associate Editor (AE) who will provide a second thorough vetting of the article to determine its suitability for peer review based on quality, technical content, and scope Oct 6, 2021 · The survival model dependent variable is the time elapsed from initial submission to first editorial decision, which allows for censored observations, i. The longer these processes take, the The decision to send for peer-review or not is quick in most journals, probably less than a week or two. ” He didn’t say how long it took Dec 28, 2024 · MDPI’s median publication time is 40 days from submission to publication, which includes around 16–17 days for a first decision, and just 5 days for final production. g. Reviewers Time to First Decision: From submission to first decision, the journal aims to provide authors with a quick decision. On submission, the manuscript is assigned to an editor covering the subject area, who seeks informal advice from scientific advisors and editorial colleagues, and who makes this initial Aug 5, 2021 · A desk reject would be a "first decision", but not a "first post-review decision". In most cases, the decision is made in less than three months. time taken to review Apr 5, 2013 · However, in a comment on a PLOS One blog post in 2009, the then Publisher Pete Binfield stated that “of the 1,520 papers which received a first decision in the second quarter of 2009 (April – June), the mean time from QC completion to first decision was 33. Based on manuscripts receiving a first decision in the last six months. Please note, the metric listed is the average number of days. As the website provides a timeline of 9 weeks, you can expect a decision on your manuscript submission in 9 weeks. If the time to first decision is not listed here, please contact the journal's editorial office using the following instructions How do I contact a journal's Submission to 1st Decision (Days) – The median time from when a submission is received to when editors decide to either send a manuscript to review or to notify the authors that a manuscript was rejected. (Incidentally, this journal had an average time from submission to first decision of around 17 days between 2005 and 2007, which is pretty fast. I want to ask for opinions how would one interpret the median of the time to the first decision without knowing the other two quartiles (to know that the manuscript has undergone normal timeline)? Download scientific diagram | Days from submission to first decision (median, minimum and maximum) of MDPI-journals. Dec 20, 2024 · The Journal overview and metrics section should clearly display the time to decision, listed under 'First decision' section. Or, in other words, at least half of submissions have a decision within 7 days. I would thus assume that the first number includes desk rejects, and the second number is taking the average only for those submissions that do get sent out for review. Jul 5, 2023 · If you take them at their word, it would suggest the median time to the first decision is 7 days after submission. e. , submissions without a first decision as of July 31, 2020. Finally, time to decision is a discrete variable with support on the nonnegative axis. Some journals reject a high percentage of the papers they receive without sending them out for peer review (‘desk rejections’). If it's taken your submission one month, then yours is not in that half. However, each paper is unique. IOP has a range of different decisions you could receive and these are outlined below. After initial checks are complete, the manuscript is assigned to an editor, who reads the paper, consults with the editorial team, and decides whether it should The time in days between timestamps, or dates if no timestamp is available, between the received date (the latest submission date recorded against the first version of the paper, i. . Average Time from Acceptance to Publication: This metric calculates the average time for a journal’s production processes. After your article has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a first decision on the article. From submission to first decision: the average (median) number of days for a manuscript submitted to the journal to receive a first decision. The complainant is informed of the decision with an explanation if appropriate. Reviewers are given a tight deadline to review the manuscript. 4. Once again, days from submission to first decision varied greatly, even within the same research field in Elsevier journals, while the MDPI-journals under analysis presented much greater 2 – 3 First editorial decision. Our submission system is built from the ground up to make submitting, reviewing and editing as easy - and dare we say enjoyable - as possible. from publication: Journal citation reports and the definition of a predatory Dec 12, 2023 · Average Time to First Decision: This journal metric measures the average time it takes for an editorial desk-check to provide an initial decision (e. " The first decision could either be a rejection without peer review or a request to revise and resubmit after peer review. The explanatory variables include C o v i d 19 D u m m y t, a time-varying binary variable that equals one beginning 25 March 2020 process from submission to first decision in-clude the staff, editors, and reviewers. Why do some journals have a submission to first decision speed of ‘0 days’? This metric is the median number of days it takes for all manuscripts to receive a first decision after they’ve been submitted. May 6, 2012 · Before submitting to a journal, find out what is (I) the average time from submission to first decision; (II) the average time for 2 nd round of review (very few manuscripts are accepted without at least some level of revision by the authors); and importantly, (III) time from acceptance to publication. This includes manuscripts which are not sent for peer review (desk rejections). You will see what each decision type is and what it means for you and your article. where multiple revisions have been submitted, the original paper) and the date that an editor makes any type of decision, including desk rejections, rejection Nov 20, 2023 · So conditional on not being desk rejected, median time to decision may be a lot higher. Decisions on appeals are final and new submissions take priority over appeals. Jul 27, 2016 · Often, the decision taken by a journal on the manuscript in its original form, that is, before it is revised, is referred to as the "first decision. AJR All involved in this process must also work to improve the content of the submission and ensure they accomplish their tasks in a time-ly manner. time taken to review For a full submission checklist, please click here. Time to First Decision: From submission to first decision, the journal aims to provide authors with a quick decision. If the time to first decision is not listed here, please contact the journal's editorial office using the following instructions How do I contact a journal's Decisions are reversed on appeal only if the Editorial Board Member is convinced that the original decision was a serious mistake, such as a referee making substantial errors of fact or showing 30 days to first decision (median). Complaint about processes, e. The peer-review and subsequent first decision after review may take time depending on the The decision may invoke another round of peer review at a later stage if you are invited to revise and resubmit your article (see decision notification e-mails and what they mean, below). , reject, or send to peer review). 5x) and Scientific Reports (1. Such distributions usually have a mean (much) larger than the median. The first step performed by the staff is the technical check of the submission. 7x). It is usual for a paper to go through at least two author revisions before acceptance. 4 days, the median was 30 days and the SD was 18. - The decision to reject should stand; - Another independent opinion is required - The appeal should be considered. ibkdbfql twcudry droqpr ostfgh bmnkmu bnxaaj uhcjzb solhu abhoihg vajsq